A machine created to ensure success in body shaping

HYPERSCULPT generates an electromagnetic field of maximum intensity that induces, on average, 20,000 supraximal muscular contractions in a 30-minute session.

LACK OF PERSEVERANCE, INDISCIPLINE and improvisation are the obstacles that generally prevent you from achieving the dream of having a healthy and athletic body.

The care must be comprehensive and the purpose constant. A diet, exercise routine or aesthetic treatment, made with much effort and only to look great on vacation or on a special date, lose their effect, because the body has memory and tends to return to its previous state. “Hypersculpt is the crown jewel in aesthetics. It is the latest in technology that generates an electromagnetic field to stimulate the muscle, so that it works in strength and form. In medical terms, it achieves hyperplasia and muscular hypertrophy: it increases in size and number of fibers which translates as a strengthened muscle, ”says Juliana Méndez, medical director of Furinkazan, the wellness club that uses the most advanced technology in anti-aging and body shaping in Colombia. Thinking about the comfort of patients and providing them with long-term effective treatments, their specialists use, at their headquarters in Bogotá and Medellín, this equipment that has HYPEREM technology (Hyper Electro-Magnetic Field), the most powerful device in their class.

“Since the muscle works at a higher rate, it requires more energy (remember that the cells feed on it to exert its function) and by spending its own, it uses that of the neighboring cell: the adipocyte. Thus, it reduces the fat surrounding the treated area, ”explains the expert. Just two sessions a week, half an hour each, to begin to see the results: reduction of measurements on legs, arms, back and abdomen; marked and toned muscles; buttocks with more volume and firmness; and the best, quickly and without the pain caused by physical exertion.


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